All government schools in Victoria have a school council, which is a legal entity in its own right.
School councils operate under the framework of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 and The Education Regulations 2007.
School Council:
School Council:
- Establishes the broad direction and vision of the school within the school's community.
- Develops and monitors the school strategic plan.
- Develops, reviews and updates school policies.
- Develops, reviews and monitors the Student Code of Conduct and the School Dress Code.
- Raises funds for school related purposes.
- Approves the annual budget and monitors expenditure.
- Helps to maintain the school’s grounds and facilities.
- Enters into contracts. (e.g. cleaning, construction work)
- Reports annually to the school community and to DET.
- Stimulates interest in the school generally.
- There are three types of membership on school council: Parent members, DET employee members and optional community members.
- Call for nominations to vacant positions are published in the February newsletters.
- Each school council member serves for two years.
- School council meets on a monthly basis.